5 Essential Custom Reusable Bag Stats for Your Marketing Team

Athena Books Custom Reusable Bag

In today’s environmentally conscious world, businesses must adapt to changing consumer preferences and values. Custom reusable bags have emerged as a powerful marketing tool, aligning with eco-friendly initiatives and promoting brand awareness. Here are five compelling statistics that your marketing team needs to know about custom reusable bags.

82% of Consumers Prefer Reusable Bags

According to a study conducted by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), a staggering 82% of consumers prefer receiving promotional products that are environmentally friendly, with reusable bags topping the list. This statistic underscores the importance of incorporating custom reusable bags into your marketing strategy to resonate with your target audience.

5,772 Impressions per Bag

The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) reports that custom reusable bags generate an average of 5,772 impressions during their lifetime. This means that each bag you distribute becomes a walking billboard for your brand. Each bag potentially offering significant exposure for your logo and message.

78% Use Reusable Bags Weekly

Sustainable business practices are no longer optional but expected. A Nielsen study found that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products from companies committed to sustainability. Distributing custom reusable bags demonstrates your brand’s dedication to environmental responsibility, enhancing your image in the eyes of socially-conscious consumers.

63% Keep Bags for Over a Year

According to the 2021 Global Recycling Day Consumer Insights Report, 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that demonstrates commitment to environmental sustainability. Offering custom reusable bags as promotional items not only drives sales but also fosters customer loyalty, as eco-conscious shoppers are more likely to choose your brand over competitors.

78% Will Pay More for Sustainability

Various regions are implementing laws and regulations to reduce single-use plastics. For example, California’s single-use plastic bag ban, which went into effect in 2016, has increased demand for reusable bags. By proactively providing custom reusable bags to customers, your brand can align with these regulations, staying ahead of the curve and reinforcing your commitment to a sustainable future.

Incorporating custom reusable bags into your marketing strategy can be a smart and environmentally responsible move. These statistics highlight the immense potential of reusable bags to boost your brand’s visibility, attract eco-conscious consumers, and enhance your company’s reputation as a socially responsible business. By going green with custom reusable bags, your marketing team can make a positive impact on both your brand’s bottom line and the planet.